2023年2月5日 星期日




Wikipedia說「the kidney also receives input from the parasympathetic nervous system, by way of the renal branches of the vagus nerve; the function of this is yet unclear.」腎臟有副交感神經但功能並不清楚。

教科書一Berne and Levy Physiology 7e說「There is no corresponding parasympathetic innervation.」斬釘截鐵,腎臟沒有副交感神經。

教科書二Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 14e表示「The vagus nerves supply parasympathetic nerves to the heart, lungs, esophagus, stomach, entire small intestine, proximal half of the colon, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and upper portions of the ureters.」從迷走神經來的副交感神經有到腎臟。

教科書三Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology 26e走中間路線,這麼描述「There also appears to be a cholinergic innervation via the vagus nerve, but its function is uncertain.」Appear這個字在此用得真巧妙。似乎有似乎無。

至於腎臟科聖經The kidney,如果我沒有漏讀,選擇不提有或沒有副交感神經,只細述了交感神經的部分。
